Create RFC for Variance Action

About the Create RFC for Variance Action



Graphical Action Designer: Create a Request for Change (RFC) for Variance Quick Action

About the Create RFC for Variance Action

The Create RFC for Variance action creates a Change business object (request for change) for a variance. For example, when the RAM size changes from the baseline to another value, it varies from the baseline. This action creates a Change business object for that variance and links between the business objects as needed.


Parameter Description
Enter action name A unique name for the action.
Enter action description Optional. A description of what the action does.
Enter category Optional. The category. Select from the drop-down list.
Field Name

The field name. Select from the drop-down list.

Field Value

The field value.


Button Action
or + Add Field Adds a field to the list.
Removes a field from the list. To delete a field in the Graphical Action Designer, click "X"at the top right of the Field Name entry in the Block section of Settings.
Save Commits your settings.
Cancel Exits without saving.